The controversial topic of vitamins and their correlation to wound healing has been proven to be beneficial in several cases. A diversity of selected vitamins and minerals play a significant role in wound healing, each with their own specific function in the different phases associated with proper recovery. Along with evidence based vitamins that are...
Author: appleshugs
Everything’s Changing: Cannabis
Everything’s Changing: Cannabis We are at the threshold of the future of medicine: The side effects of the previous generation’s pharmaceutical abuse has surfaced among the modern world illuminating the misleading nature of large pharmaceutical companies, incomplete studies, and falsified data all in the quest for higher profit margins. Now taking our first steps of...
Does Texting Lead to Major Spine Disorders?
Roughly 80% of the population between the ages of 18 and 44 have their cell phones with them almost all the time and people spend an average of two to four hours a day with their heads looking down at their phones. Aside from the obvious dangerous effects of texting, such as texting while...
Post Surgical Over The Counter Wound & Scar Healing Products
Are you about to undergo plastic surgery? Have you just had an operation? Are you worried about the scars you might get from even the most careful surgeons? Many people undergo plastic surgery to achieve massive weight loss, improve self-image/self-esteem, ease psychological trauma from an accident/disease, or for many other reasons. Sometimes, patients forget...
What Is Cancer?
A simplified answer is that cancer is a disease that occurs when cells divide rapidly and in an uncontrolled manner. Cancer cells do not behave as healthy cells do. They are able to divide quickly and evade the body’s control mechanisms for regulating cell division. Cancer cells also escape the body’s natural detection abilities...
6 Natural Ingredients for Wound Relief & Healing
Wound care has been a topic in medicine since the early Greeks of 800 B.C. and yet there are topical treatments and medications alike within the industry that simply produce masking and/or temporary relief solutions. Our skin is the largest organ on the body, and thus is prone to all types of accidental injury and...
Laboratory Analysis
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Pediatric Clinic
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montesmus. Pro vel nibh et elit mollis commodo et nec augueique
Laryngological Clinic
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montesmus. Pro vel nibh et elit mollis commodo et nec augueique
Outpatient Rehabilitation
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montesmus. Pro vel nibh et elit mollis commodo et nec augueique